LIN Yang,LIAO Shanshan.Design and practice of ideological and political education in“Folk Art” courses in engineering-oriented colleges and universities[J].Journal of Fujian University of Technology;,2024,22(02):183-188.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2097-3853.2024.02.013]
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Design and practice of ideological and political education in“Folk Art” courses in engineering-oriented colleges and universities
- 作者:
林阳; 廖珊珊
- Author(s):
LIN Yang; LIAO Shanshan
School of Design, Fujian University of Technology
- 关键词:
民间美术; 课程思政元素; 课程思政案例; 实践探索
- Keywords:
folk art; ideological and political elements in curriculum; cases of ideological and political education; practical exploration
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
As a professional fundamental course in design curriculum, “Folk Art”, guides students to absorb traditional Chinese aesthetic elements and independently explore a design map with regional features. As a basic aesthetic course, its ideological and political elements are complicated and diverse. The ideological and political elements can be explored from seven aspects: empirical research paradigms, theory and practice, phenomena and essence, precise decision-making and implementation of teaching. Taking the combination of “Folk Art” course and environment engineering as an example, it explores the ideological and political elements from the aspects of value shaping, knowledge transmission, ideological enhancement and ideological and political model construction, and then establishes the teaching objectives and builds the teaching system. “Folk Art” and ideological and political cases constitute a two-way isomorphism. Relying on the characteristics of the subject, it is a useful teaching practice exploration to realize the fundamental task of moral education by using the “great ideological and political course” to transmit knowledge, construct value, respect the law of students’growth and success, and build a harmonious knowledge structure.
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