PENG Li,GAO Zhineng,LING Yuanhui,et al.Impacts of near-field wave motion on seismic response of a reinforced concrete frame structure[J].Journal of Fujian University of Technology;,2024,22(03):225-232.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2097-3853.2024.03.004]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Impacts of near-field wave motion on seismic response of a reinforced concrete frame structure
- 作者:
彭丽; 高智能; 凌远辉; 左志成; 谷音
- Author(s):
PENG Li; GAO Zhineng; LING Yuanhui; ZUO Zhicheng; GU Yin
School of Civil Engineering & Mapping Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology
- 关键词:
钢筋混凝土框架结构; 近场波动; 一维化时域方法; 地震波动输入; 地震响应规律
- Keywords:
reinforced concrete frame structure; near-field wave motion; one-dimensional time domain method; seismic wave input; seismic response rule
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
A one-dimensional time-domain method was used to convert seismic wave into equivalent nodal loads. The far-field foundation radiation damping was simulated by three-dimensional viscous-elastic artificial boundary elements. Two three-dimensional finite element models of reinforced concrete frame structures based on the assumption of rigid foundation and considering near-field fluctuations were established, and the internal force and displacement dynamic time-history response were compared. The research shows that considering near-field wave motion can prolong the natural vibration period of reinforced concrete frame structures; comparison with the assumption of a rigid foundation shows that at the observation point, the amplitude of the bending moment at the beam end increases, the amplitude of the axial force decreases, and the amplitude of the shear force changes; the amplitude of the bending moment at the column end decreases, the amplitude of the axial force increases, and there are also differences in the amplitude of the shear force; both the top point’s displacement and the inter-story displacement attenuate.
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