HUANG Jianhua,XU Renkun.Vibration test of superstructures in metro station throat area[J].Journal of Fujian University of Technology;,2024,22(03):205-212.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2097-3853.2024.03.001]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Vibration test of superstructures in metro station throat area
- 作者:
黄建华; 许仁堃
- Author(s):
HUANG Jianhua; XU Renkun
School of Civil Engineering, Fujian University of Technology
- 关键词:
地铁场站; 上盖建筑; 咽喉区; 振动测试; 振级; 烦恼度
- Keywords:
metro station; superstructure; throat area; vibration test; vibration level; annoyance degree
- 分类号:
- DOI:
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- 摘要:
为研究地铁运行对上盖建筑的振动影响,以福州市某轨道交通线地铁场站咽喉区上盖建筑为测试对象,采用现场测试的方法,对地铁场站咽喉区上盖建筑楼板中央和剪力墙脚处的振动响应特征进行分析,并基于烦恼度模型对其舒适度作出评价。研究结果表明:随着楼层数的增加,楼板跨中铅垂向振动逐渐衰减,而第四层为振动放大层,其楼板及剪力墙脚的振动加速度有效值均被放大;楼板铅垂向振幅峰值的优势频率为40~70 Hz,剪力墙脚铅垂向振幅峰值集中在10 Hz 附近,随着楼层数的增加呈现先衰减后放大的趋势,而水平垂轨向振幅与楼层数正相关,振幅峰值集中在0~20 Hz 和40~60 Hz;楼板振动加速度级VAL 在1~50 Hz 随频率增加而增大,在50~80 Hz 随频率增加而逐渐降低,且第一层VAL 超出一级限值,各铅垂向Z 振级VLZ 整体上随楼层数的增加而减小;地铁运营状态下,地铁场站咽喉区上盖物业居住者在第一层卧室中可能会产生“轻度烦恼” 的生活体验。研究成果可为地铁场站上盖建筑结构的减振设计提供参考。
- Abstract:
In order to study the vibration impact of subway operation on the upper buildings, taking the superstructure of the throat area of a subway station in Fuzhou City as the test object, the method of field test was adopted for an analysis of the vibration response characteristics at the central points of the superstructure buil-ding slabs and the footings of shear walls in the throat area of subway stations, and the comfort degree was evaluated based on the annoyance model. Results show that with the increase of the number of floors, vibration gradually attenuated in the middle of the floor in the lead plumb direction, while the fourth floor experienced vibration amplification, particularly the effective values of the vibration acceleration of the floor slab and shear wall foot; the dominant frequency of the floor plate’s lead plumb direction amplitude peak was 40~70 Hz, while the shear wall foot’s lead plumb direction amplitude peak was mainly around 10 Hz. The amplitudes showed an initial tendency of attenuation and then amplification with the increase of floors. The horizontal plumb track amplitude showed a positive correlation with the number of floors, with peak amplitude peaks concentrated mainly in the ranges of 0~20 Hz and 40~60 Hz; the vibration acceleration level VAL of the floor slabs increased with the increase of frequency in the range of 1~50 Hz but gradually decreased with the increase of frequency in the range of 50~80 Hz. The first floor VAL exceeded the first level of the limit, and the lead verticalZvibration level VL Z of each plumb track decreased overall as the number of floors increased; the occupants of the property above the throat area of the subway station may experience “mild annoyance” in the first-floor bedroom during subway operation. The research findings can serve as a reference for the vibration damping design of subway station superstructures.
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