LIU Qiong,YANG Jiyuan,ZHANG Lei,et al.Modal analysis of air spring forming drum based on Hypermesh[J].Journal of Fujian University of Technology;,2023,21(06):544-550.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-4348.2023.06.006]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Modal analysis of air spring forming drum based on Hypermesh
- 作者:
刘琼; 杨纪远; 张磊; 商涛; 谢济兴
- Author(s):
LIU Qiong; YANG Jiyuan; ZHANG Lei; SHANG Tao; XIE Jixing
School of Materials Science and Engineering,Fujian University of Technology
- 关键词:
成型鼓; 模态分析; 固有频率; 结构加强
- Keywords:
forming drums; modal analysis; natural frequency; structural strengthening
- 分类号:
- DOI:
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- 摘要:
为了研究空气弹簧成型鼓固有频率是否与电机激励频率产生共振,以外径320 mm 的成型鼓为研究对象,先利用SolidWorks 建立成型鼓的几何模型,并对几何模型进行模态分析前处理,再利用Op?tiStruct 求解器对成型鼓网格单元模型进行前六阶模态分析求解。研究结果表明:成型鼓结构加强前,其一阶模态的固有频率为20.90 Hz;结构加强后,一阶模态的固有频率为58.93 Hz,远离激励频率,不会产生共振造成破坏。通过模态分析进一步发现成型鼓优化前后的二三阶、四五阶模态分别近似相等,这表明成型鼓结构存在相邻固有频率相等的情况。该分析方法对成型鼓研发具有较好的指导作用。
- Abstract:
In order to study whether the natural frequency of the air spring forming drum resonates with the excitation frequency of the motor, the forming drum with an outer diameter of 320 mm was taken as the research object. Firstly, the geometric model of the forming drum was established by SolidWorks, and the geometric model was pre-processed by modal analysis. Then, the OptiStruct solver was used to solve the first six-order modal analysis of the forming drum grid unit model. Results show that the natural frequency of the first-order mode of the forming drum is 20.90 Hz before the structure of the forming drum is strengthened. After the structure is strengthened, the natural frequency of the first-order mode is 58.93 Hz, which is far away from the excitation frequency and will not cause resonance and damage. Through modal analysis, it is further found that the second-order and third-order, fourth-order and fifth-order modes of the forming drum before and after optimization are approximately equal, respectively, which indicates that the adjacent natural frequencies of the forming drum structure are equal. The analysis method has a good guiding role in the research and development of the forming drum.
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