WU Ke,HUANG Xiaosheng,LIN Yongshu.Drive of LCC resonant ultrasonic transducer with high boost ratio[J].Journal of FuJian University of Technology,2023,21(01):84-89.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-4348.2023.01.013]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Drive of LCC resonant ultrasonic transducer with high boost ratio
- 作者:
吴轲; 黄晓生; 林咏澍
- Author(s):
WU Ke; HUANG Xiaosheng; LIN Yongshu
School of Electronic, Electrical Engineering and Physics, Fujian University of Technology
- 关键词:
超声波电源; LCC补偿网络; 低压差; 高升压比
- Keywords:
ultrasonic power supply; LCC compensation network; low pressure difference; high boost ratio
- 分类号:
- DOI:
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- 摘要:
针对传统换能器驱动电路带换能器负载和不带负载时压差过大的问题,提出了一种新的换能器驱动电源。在分析和推导补偿拓扑的基础上,使用LCC 补偿网络的输出与负载无关特性和后级电路谐振匹配网络设计使带空载时阻抗角接近0°,实现高升压比和低压差。通过对一款40 kHz 的换能器进行仿真和实验验证了方案的可行性,在高升压比的情况下,使换能器的压差降低至90 V,达到了减少压差的效果。
- Abstract:
In order to solve the problem of excessive pressure difference between traditional transducer drive circuit with and without transducer load, a new transducer drive power supply was proposed. Based on the analysis and derivation of the compensation topology, the output of the LCC compensation network independent of the load and the resonant matching network of the later stage circuit was designed to make the impedance angle close to 0° with no load to achieve high boost ratio and low dropout. The feasibility of the scheme was verified by simulation and experiment on a 40 kHz transducer. In the case of high boost ratio, the pressure difference of the transducer is reduced to 90 V, which achieves the effect of reducing the pressure difference.
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