ZHANG Bincen,GAO Xiujing,HONG Hanchi,et al.Lanechange overtaking planning based on multimodetrajectory and vehicle velocity adaptation[J].Journal of FuJian University of Technology,2023,21(01):63-71.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-4348.2023.01.010]
- 卷:
- 期数:
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- Title:
Lanechange overtaking planning based on multimodetrajectory and vehicle velocity adaptation
- 作者:
张彬岑; 高秀晶; 洪汉池; 曾方正; 黄雯垠
- Author(s):
ZHANG Bincen; GAO Xiujing; HONG Hanchi; ZENG Fangzheng; HUANG Wenyin
Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Xiamen University of Technology
- 关键词:
汽车工程; 变道超车模型; 多模式轨迹规划; 约束条件; 自适应速度规划
- Keywords:
automotive engineering; lanechange overtaking model; multimode trajectory planning; constraint conditions; adaptive velocity planning
- 分类号:
- DOI:
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- 摘要:
针对智能汽车变道超车规划中轨迹模式和速度策略单一的问题,提出一种安全高效、多模式轨迹和车速自适应的变道超车规划方案。通过建立可调参数的三段式变道超车模型,利用五次多项式设计变道轨迹拟合算法,以安全性为要求设计侧翻约束和碰撞约束边缘条件。基于多目标优化函数进行多模式轨迹优化,得到不同模式变道轨迹的解集空间,并基于超车阶段的时间进行速度自适应规划。通过MATLAB/ Simulink 构建仿真测试试验,结果表明该方案在全速域,满足安全条件约束下,能输出3 种模式(效率模式、舒适模式和综合模式)的变道超车轨迹,输出的轨迹特性稳定,在两车相对速度较小时自适应速度规划能够有效提升超车效率。
- Abstract:
Aiming at the problem of single trajectory mode and velocity strategy of intelligent vehicle lanechange overtaking, a safe, efficient, multimode trajectory and velocity adaptive planning scheme for lane changing and overtaking was proposed. By establishing a threestage lanechange overtaking model with adjustable parameters, a quintic polynomial was used to design a lanechanging trajectory fitting algorithm, and with safety as the requirement, the edge conditions of rollover constraints and collision constraints were designed. Based on the multiobjective optimization function, the multimode trajectory optimization was carried out, and the solution set space of different modes of lanechanging trajectories was obtained, and the velocity adaptive planning was designed based on the time of overtaking phase. A simulation test was constructed using MATLAB/Simulink. Results show that the planning scheme can output three modes (efficiency mode, comfort mode and comprehensive mode) lanechange overtaking trajectories in the full velocity range and under the constraints of safety conditions, and the output trajectory characteristics are stable. At the same time, adaptive velocity planning can significantly improve the overtaking efficiency when the relative velocity of the two vehicles is small.
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