XING Jianhua,LUO Xin,YANG Yufeng.Analysis on the construction of the government-enterprise communication and consultation mechanism in the new era:taking the practice in Fujian Province as the research sample[J].Journal of FuJian University of Technology,2021,19(02):114-119.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-4348.2021.02.003]
- 卷:
- 期数:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Analysis on the construction of the government-enterprise communication and consultation mechanism in the new era:taking the practice in Fujian Province as the research sample
- 作者:
- Author(s):
XING Jianhua; LUO Xin; YANG Yufeng
School of Marxism, FujianUniversity of Technology
- 关键词:
民营企业; 政企沟通协商制度; 建设
- Keywords:
private enterprises; communication and consultation mechanism between government and enterprise; construction
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
In the new era, improving and perfecting the system of communication and consultation between government and enterprises is the key for establishing an “intimate” and “pure” relationship with mutual trust between political and commercial circles; it is also of great significance for realizing the healthy development of both the economy and the society, promoting the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity, developing socialist consultative democracy, creating a good political ecology and cultivating entrepreneurship. At present, the construction of the government-enterprise communication and consultation mechanism in China has made remarkable achievements in standardizing the management of communication and consultation, expanding the channels of communication and consultation, enriching the content of communication and consultation, and clarifying the responsibilities in communication and consultation. However, it still faces some challenges. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the ideological understanding, strengthen the top-level design, broaden the participation platform, give full play to the role of trade and business associations, do a good job in positive publicity and improve the political competence of private entrepreneurs, so as to build a scientific and reasonable system of government-enterprise communication and consultation.
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