 Jiang Haibin,Chen Qiaolin,Yao Shaobo.Effect of finite Larmor radius on resistive ballooning modes[J].Journal of FuJian University of Technology,2014,12(03):263-267.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-4348.2014.03.013]





Effect of finite Larmor radius on resistive ballooning modes
Jiang Haibin Chen Qiaolin Yao Shaobo
Mathematics and Physics Department, Fujian University of Technology
气球模 有限拉莫尔半径效应 回旋粘滞
ballooning mode finite Larmor radius effect gyroviscosity
基于有限拉莫半径磁流体理论(Finite Larmor radius magnetohydrodynamic)模型,采用WKB (Wentzel、 Kramers和Brillouin)的多重尺度分析方法详细推导了一组用于研究托卡马克等离子体中高n电阻性气球模的本征方程。在忽略了回旋粘滞效应和电阻效应之后该方程可以回到传统理想气球模方程。文章中的气球模本征方程可用于研究带耗散性质的电阻率与无耗散的回旋粘滞性的对气球模的竞争影响。
In this paper, the effect of finite Larmor radius (FLR) on the high resistive ballooning modes was studied on the basis of FLR magnetohydrodynamic (FLRMHD) theory. A set of linear FLR resistive ballooning mode equations were derived by using WKB multiscale analysis method developed by Wentzel, Kramer and Brillouin, which were reduced to the ideal ballooning mode equation when the FLR effect and resistive effect were neglected. The results indicate that the derived ballooning mode equations are applicable in analysing the competitive effects of dissipative resistivity and nondissipative gyroviscosity on the ballooning modes.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2014-06-25