XIONG Jianhui,LI Yongqiang,CHEN Bo,et al.Influence of aspect ratio on shear mechanical properties of granular materials[J].Journal of Fujian University of Technology;,2024,22(06):527-534.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2097-3853.2024.06.003]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Influence of aspect ratio on shear mechanical properties of granular materials
- 作者:
熊健辉; 李永强; 陈波; 刘旭锋; 姬雪明; 彭聪
- Author(s):
XIONG Jianhui; LI Yongqiang; CHEN Bo; LIU Xufeng; JI Xueming; PENG Cong
School of Civil and Architecture Engineering, East China University of Technology
- 关键词:
长宽比; 三轴剪切; 散粒体; 颗粒破碎
- Keywords:
aspect ratio; triaxial shear; granular materials; particle breakage
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
A series of indoor triaxial mechanical tests were conducted on four types of materials with distinct particle shape anisotropies to investigate the variation in strength and deformation of granular materials with different aspect ratios during the shearing process. Results show that both excessively large and small aspect ratios have a significant impact on the material’s shear strength and particle breakage. The material with the largest aspect ratio exhibits the weakest strength;however, due to the elongated particles, noticeable particle breakage occurs as they bend during shearing. In contrast, the material with the smallest aspect ratio demonstrates exceptionally high strength, reaching approximately 1MPa, but eventually experiences a reduction in strength due to particle breakage. The size of the aspect ratio also influences the internal friction angle, with an inverse relationship;the internal friction angle decreases as the aspect ratio increases.
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