LI Yi.Enhancement of tourism attraction of heritage scenic spotsunder the perspective of cultural and tourism integration:based on Qudou Palace Ancient Kiln Site in Dehua[J].Journal of Fujian University of Technology;,2024,22(05):460-466.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.2097-3853.2024.05.008]
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- Title:
Enhancement of tourism attraction of heritage scenic spotsunder the perspective of cultural and tourism integration:based on Qudou Palace Ancient Kiln Site in Dehua
- 作者:
- Author(s):
School of Internet Economics and Business, Fujian University of Technology
- 关键词:
文旅融合; 旅游吸引力; 遗址类景区; 德化县屈斗宫古窑遗址
- Keywords:
cultural and tourism integration; tourism attraction; historic scenic spots; Qudou Palace Ancient Kiln Site in Dehua
- 分类号:
- DOI:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Cultural heritage is an important carrier of cultural tourism development. Taking the ancient kiln site of Qudou Palace as the research object, through onthespot investigation, it is found that there are some problems in the tourism development of the ancient kiln site of Qudou Palace, such as insufficient resource development, imperfect infrastructure, inadequate management of scenic spots and weak linkage of scenic spots. Based on the advantages and opportunities of Dehua County tourism, the essay puts forward the paths of enhancing the attractiveness of historic scenic spots. In terms of resource development, it is necessary to fully tap the characteristic resources of ceramic culture, create experiential boutique tourism projects, and develop cultural and creative products. In terms of infrastructure, it is necessary to optimize the tourism transportation system, improve tourism reception facilities and establish research and practice education bases. In the management of scenic spots, it is necessary to innovate the management mode of scenic spots, cultivate highquality management talents and improve marketing plans. In the terms of scenic spot linkage, it is necessary to build a regional tourism brand, carry out special activities in scenic spots and establish archaeological site parks.
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